Boy Scouts

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St. Dominic Boy Scout Troop #483 includes boys ages 11 – 18.  The boys pursue merit badges, progressing through the Eagle Scout level with the guidance of adult leaders and volunteers. Various fund raisers support various camping trips and annual summer camp.

Some of the purposes of scouting are to influence and develop character, encourage spiritual growth, develop good citizenship, improve understanding with family, encourage good sportsmanship, companionship, leadership and respect for the outdoors.

Contact:  Terry Kent,, 513-382-2687



Cub scouting is a program of the Boys Scouts of America involving boys in kindergarten through 5th grade.  At St. Dominic, Pack 483 meets monthly as a group, and three times each month in smaller groups of 6-8 boys under the direction of den leaders.  Leaders assist with activities to help the boys grow, learn, and mature through the scout rogram and to grow in character, good morals, and physical fitness.

Contacts: Michael Bizaillon (, 513-582-3594), Bill Eckhoff (, 513-706-6115)