Parish School of Religion (PSR)

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Our Parish School of Religion assists parents in their task of raising their children in the Faith, providing religious education for children who are members of St. Dominic Parish, attending public schools.

We offer instruction during the school year for grades Kindergarten through grade 8 with special emphasis on the sacramental years, usually 2nd and 8th grades, with added activities for parents and candidates.

We use the Gospel Weeklies program published by Pflaum, focused on the Sunday Gospels, drawing catechetical themes for each grade level directly from the Gospel. The entire PSR group, students and catechists and administrators “gather” virtually through ZOOM on alternate Sunday mornings at 10:30 am to share the Gospel of that Sunday and pray and reflect on the message of that Gospel. On the alternating Sundays, many of the individual classes meet virtually with their catechist at the same time of 10:30 for that weeks’ class. Some classes may need to meet at an alternate day and time which is worked out with the families and the catechist.

Contact Karen Brandstetter, Pastoral Associate, at, or 471-7741 ext. 481 with questions or for more information.